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Welcome To APPT 2007 | (征稿网站已启用http://www.easychair.org/APPT2007) |
第七届高级并行处理技术大会 | ||
主办单位:中国计算机学会 协办单位:IEEE CS TCPP 特别支持:中国信息产业部信息化推进司 承办单位:广东工业大学 协办单位:国防科技大学 指定媒体:计算机世界 |
The 7th International Symposium on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies APPT'07
Download Call for Papers in PDF Format
APPT’07 will be the 7th annual conference on parallel processing technologies aimed at providing an exciting platform and paradigm attracting professionals of different communities such as industry and academic. Although the original objective is to share the experience in the area of the parallel processing technology with the underlying theories and applications, more and more work will be focused on state-of-the-art research and projects due to the tremendous advances in wireless networks, mobile computing, sensor networks, distributed computing, and novel computing model and technologies.
APPT’07 will provide a high profile, leading edge forum for researchers and engineers alike to present their latest research in parallel processing technologies and extensive fields. APPT’07 will also feature industry exhibits and demonstrations.
Feature Topics:
Contributions are solicited in all areas and topics pertaining to pervasive computing research and applications. These include, but are not limited to, the following topics:- Parallel/distributed system architectures
- Advanced microprocessor architecture,
- Middleware, software tools and environments
- Parallelizing compilers
- Software engineering issues
- Interconnection networks
- Network protocols
- Task scheduling and load balancing
- Grid computing, cluster computing, peer-to-peer computing
- Internet & web computing
- Pervasive and mobile computing architectures
- Security in networks and distributed systems
- Fault tolerance and dependability
- Smart devices and smart spaces
- Multimedia communication
- Image generation, encoding, transmission, and processing
- Rendering techniques, virtual reality
- Visualization, graphic processing, etc
Submission Guidelines:
Submitted papers must be unpublished and not currently under consideration elsewhere for publication. Only electronic submissions (PS or PDF) will be considered. Page limit is at most 15 pages (single column, 11pt fonts and 1.5 line spaced, excluding references, figures and tables). Detailed procedure can be found here . All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process managed by the technical program committee. The Conference Proceedings are planned to be published as the volume of the Springer Verlag LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) series and will be distributed at the Conference.
Important Dates:
- June 15, 2007, Draft Paper Due
- Sept. 1, 2007, Demonstration Proposal Due
- Aug. 1, 2007, Paper Acceptance Notification
- Sept. 1, 2007, Camera Ready Manuscript Due
- Nov. 22-23, 2007, Conference Dates
- Prof. Dr. Arndt Bode, Technical University of Munich, Germany, http://wwwbode.cs.tum.edu/~bode
- Prof. Mateo Valero, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain, http://personals.ac.upc.edu/mateo
- Prof. Babara Chapman, Huston University, USA, http://www2.cs.uh.edu/~chapman
Sponsored by
- Architecture Professional Committee of China Computer Federation
- National Laboratory for Parallel and Distributed Processing, China
- Guangdong University of Technology, China
In cooperation with:
IEEE TCPP, IEEE-HK, Guangdong Computer Federation of CCF